Help Centre

How do I change my password?

I have access to my account

To change your Endole account password, follow these simple steps:

  1. Login to your Endole Account
  2. Open the Settings page by hovering over your Name in the top-right corner.
  3. Open the Account tab.
  4. Next to the Password field, click Update Password.
  5. Complete the Current and New Password fields.
  6. Click Save to update your password.

I don't have access to my account

If you've forgotten your password and can't log into your account, you can reset your password here. We will send instructions on how to reset your account password to your email.

I've logged in using my Social Account

If you have logged into Endole using your social media account, you will need to change your password on that account. We do not have access to any of your social media accounts.
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